Learn about dental bonding at affordable dental clinic

Learn More About Dental Bonding for Your Teeth

Oct 05, 2022

If you have damaged teeth due to chipping or cracking, you are probably looking for affordable treatment options to restore your teeth’s aesthetics. One of the best cosmetic procedures you could get is dental bonding.

Dental bonding is a procedure that falls under cosmetic dentistry and involves the application of teeth-colored composite resin to fix dental discolorations, cracks, and chips. The procedure has grown popular over the years since it’s more affordable than options like veneers and crowns.


Dental bonding requires your teeth to undergo certain preparations in a dental officebefore treatment commences.

With the aid of a shade guide, your dentist in Greely Colorado will start by matching your composite resin with the shade of adjacent natural teeth.

They will then roughen the teeth scheduled for restoration and apply a conditioning liquid. This preparation stage is crucial as it helps the bonding material easily adhere to the tooth.

On completing the second preparation stage, they will apply a tooth-colored resin, mold, and then shape the dental bond to look aesthetically pleasing.

Using a bright light or laser, they will harden the composite material and make a few final adjustments, including trimming and polishing the bond.

We usually recommend teeth bonding to patients with minor cosmetic problems. This is because the tooth reconstruction, although reliable, is susceptible to damage, especially when forced to withstand chewing pressure.

Is Dental Bonding Painful?

Dental bonding is a painless procedure if done by a skilled dentist. We won’t go near your tooth’s nerve endings; thus, there is little chance of experiencing pain during treatment. However, we may still use an anesthetic to ensure you are relaxed and eradicate any chance of you feeling pain during tooth restoration. Upon completion of treatment, we will you painkillers to make your recovery painless.


Minimally Invasive

Dental bonding is less invasive than other dental reconstruction procedures and doesn’t require enamel removal. This is beneficial to your teeth since the preserved enamel will safeguard the inner parts of the tooth from cavities and bacteria that could result in tooth loss.


Dental bonding is one of the most affordable dental restorations available. Furthermore, patients with dental insurance may end up paying even less since most dental insurance will pay for treatment.

Treatment Is Fast and Painless

Treatment for tooth bonding is not painful or time-consuming. Preparation of the tooth is done fast and often without anesthesia, not unless the patient has cavities. Furthermore, no samples need to be sent to the dental lab for fabrication, meaning we can complete the procedure in one appointment.

Improves Your Smile

Composite resin looks natural and can be painted to match the shade of your natural teeth. Dental bonding makes your teeth more attractive by changing the shape of your teeth, reducing wide tooth gaps, covering dental stains, and correcting dental cracks and chips. If you damage your teeth accidentally, visit an emergency dentist near you for dental bond treatment.

How Long Does Dental Bonding Last

The lifespan of teeth bonding depends on how you care for them. Bonded teeth might be strong but not as resilient as natural ones. With that in mind, some things can cause your dental bonds to have a shorter lifespan than usually expected. On the other hand, a dental bond can last for more than 10 years with good aftercare.

What to Avoid After Dental Bonding?

As we mentioned, your dental bonds’ lifespan depends on your aftercare routine. Some actions, food, and lifestyle choices may reduce the lifespan and quality of your dental bonds. Here is what to avoid for your dental bonds to stay strong and attractive for an extended period:

Hard and Acidic Food

Hard food such as hard candy, nuts, and pretzels can chip the resin composite, so it should be avoided. In addition, soda, energy drinks, coffee, tea, and red wine should be taken in moderation since they can cause teeth discolorations. If you drink any of these beverages, ensure you brush soon after you are done to avoid dental stains.


Mouthwash comes in different varieties and is often used to promote good dental hygiene. However, mouthwash containing ethanol has been found to damage composite resin. So if you must use mouthwash, only use the ones not containing alcohol.

Toothbrush With Hard Bristles

There are usually 3 varieties of toothbrush bristles: soft, medium, and hard. People who have chosen to get dental bonding should stick to soft-bristled toothbrushes as the medium and hard varieties could be damaging to their composite dental restoration materials.


A beautiful smile could be the perfect remedy for your lack of confidence. If you have been afraid to interact with people because of chips, cracks, and teeth discolorations, see a dentist from Affordable Dental Clinics for treatment. We accept various methods of payments and also major dental insurance covers to make treatment affordable for all our patients.

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